Saturday, January 16, 2016

You are bio, I am math

This one is dedicated to you. You know who you are. 

There comes a day in every life,
When you are looking for a wife.
That moment came that night,
You were looking so very bright.

It was the light shining on tears,
Losing the key you gave to fears.
I stood their smiling at the affair,
The entire situation was so rare.

Wasn't pity taking over my heart,
But your plight had made me dart.
It seem so stupid to find it there,
Key hidden in bag with much care.

Bringing us together was our fate,
Exchanging numbers showed faith.
Spending time having endless chat,
Even topics as boring as cricket bat.

Differences had crept between us,
And we would fight while on the bus.
We always found way back together,
As nothing else we could do rather.

Our fun times had kept increasing,
For silly talks had got us breezing.
You had become an addictive habit,
Something better than any soft rabbit.

That moment had made me realize,
Our love has just ballooned in size
It maybe you are bio and I am math.
We can still walk on the same path.

Our journey together is endless road,
You can leave me when you get bored.
Come back to me as soon as you can,
Waiting for you forever now is this man.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Why should I do it

There is much pain my being in love,
but you long for it night and day.
In love our tears are not our own,
for they fall in simple trouble to else.

Maybe I fear an idea of  surrender,
any part of self to control by another.
There is a loss of the mastery of will,
that will mean you never stay alone.